How to Make Tough Decisions: A Step-by-Step Guide - Happy Brains

How to Make Tough Decisions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making tough decisions can be overwhelming, especially when there are many factors to consider. That’s why the contextualising A.I tool Kontext exists (contact me). However, decision-making is a vital skill that can be developed with practice. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make tough decisions, backed by brain science.

Step 1: Define the problem and gather information. The first step in making tough decisions is to define the problem clearly. This involves identifying what needs to be decided and what factors are relevant. Once you have defined the problem, it’s time to gather as much information as possible. This can involve research, seeking advice from experts, and talking to people with relevant experience. The brain craves information, and gathering information can activate the reward centres in the brain, well the rational part does.

Step 2: Identify your values and priorities. When making tough decisions, it’s important to identify these. This can help you determine what’s most important to you and guide your decision-making process. It’s helpful to ask yourself what your long-term goals are and how your decision aligns with them. As decision-making involves the interplay between the rational and emotional parts of the brain. Identifying your values and priorities can help you tap into the emotional part of the brain, which can help guide decision-making. But always keep that fast decision maker under control to let the rational one take over.

Step 3: Brainstorm a range of options that address the problem at hand. Be creative and think outside the box. The goal is to generate as many options as possible, even if some seem unrealistic. The rational brain likes to make connections, and generating options can activate the brain’s creativity centres. On the other hand the primal brain hates options, keeping both brains in sync is the way to go.

Step 4: Once you have generated a range of options, it’s time to evaluate them. This involves weighing the pros and cons of each option and considering how they align with your values and priorities. Evaluating options involves activating the brain’s rational part, which can help you make a more logical decision.

Step 5: After evaluating your options, it’s time to make the decision. It’s important to remember that no decision is perfect, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Once you have made the decision, commit to it and take action. Making a decision involves the interplay between the rational and emotional parts of the brain. By committing to a decision, you can activate the brain’s reward centre, whatever that decision is because the brain will always make a decision giving the feeling that there is a gain = reward..

Step 6: Once you have made the decision and taken action, it’s important to reflect on the decision-making process. Consider what went well and what could have been done differently. Reflection can help you improve your decision-making skills for future tough decisions. Reflection involves activating the brain’s learning part, which can help you improve your decision-making skills over time. We don’t take enough time to learn and grow our skills, while this is the key to better decisions.

Making tough decisions can be daunting, but it’s a skill that can be developed with practice. By following these six steps and understanding the brain science behind decision-making, you can improve your decision-making skills and make tough decisions with confidence. To learn more you can get THIS FREE eBook.
