Lessons from History: Two Fundamental Decision Mistakes Driven by the Primal Brain - Happy Brains

Lessons from History: Two Fundamental Decision Mistakes Driven by the Primal Brain

Human history is filled with examples of decisions that have shaped the course of societies and civilisations. However, not all decisions have been driven by rational thinking and logical analysis. In this blog article, we will explore two historical instances where fundamental decision mistakes were made due to the dominance of the primal brain over the rational brain. By understanding these mistakes, we can learn valuable lessons about the importance of critical thinking and the potential consequences of relying solely on instinctual responses.

  • The Tulip Mania Bubble: In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced an unprecedented economic phenomenon known as “Tulip Mania.” Tulip bulbs became highly sought after, and their prices skyrocketed, eventually reaching exorbitant levels. People from all walks of life, driven by the primal brain’s desire for social status and quick wealth, invested heavily in tulip bulbs, believing that their value would continue to rise indefinitely.

However, this speculative bubble eventually burst, leading to a catastrophic financial collapse. Many individuals lost their fortunes overnight as the tulip market crashed. This historical event serves as a reminder of how the primal brain’s greed and the herd mentality can blind us to rational decision-making, leading to severe consequences.

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: In 1962, the world stood on the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The conflict emerged when the United States discovered that the Soviet Union had secretly deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba, posing a significant threat to national security. The tension escalated rapidly, with both nations engaging in a high-stakes standoff.

During this critical moment, President John F. Kennedy and his advisors faced immense pressure to respond forcefully and protect national interests. However, Kennedy’s leadership and rational decision-making prevailed. Instead of succumbing to impulsive and potentially disastrous actions driven by the primal brain’s fight-or-flight response, Kennedy pursued a diplomatic approach. Through intense negotiations, a peaceful resolution was achieved, averting a nuclear catastrophe.

These historical examples illustrate the significant influence of the primal brain on decision-making processes. The allure of wealth and the primal instinct for survival can override rational thinking, leading to hasty and ill-informed choices. However, they also highlight the importance of acknowledging and balancing the primal brain’s influence with the rational brain’s capacity for critical analysis and long-term considerations.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Awareness of Cognitive Biases: Understanding cognitive biases can help us recognize when our primal brain is influencing our decisions. By being aware of biases like herd mentality, confirmation bias, and availability heuristic, we can strive for more objective and rational thinking.
  2. Embracing Deliberate Thinking: Taking the time to pause, reflect, and evaluate alternatives is crucial in decision-making. By engaging in deliberate thinking, we can reduce the influence of impulsive responses driven by the primal brain and make more thoughtful choices.
  3. Seeking Diverse Perspectives: Surrounding ourselves with diverse viewpoints and challenging our own assumptions can help counteract the limitations of the primal brain. By considering different perspectives, we can gain valuable insights and make more informed decisions.

The examples of Tulip Mania and the Cuban Missile Crisis serve as reminders of the significant impact the primal brain can have on decision-making processes. To help you better understand how you can optimise your decisions you should read more about the Decision Hack System.
