The Persuasion Quiz

The Analysis Report

The persuasion quiz analysis (go HERE if you haven't done it yet) report is a valuable tool that can help you learn which of the 5 brain types your brain belongs to.

By taking the simple quiz, you have gained insight into different persuasive techniques and how the human brain makes decisions. This knowledge can be useful in a variety of situations, from making sales pitches to navigating personal relationships. With the free persuasion quiz analysis report, you can learn more about yourself and become a more effective persuader. Which of the following brain types is your? Read the report!

  • Rational Brain?
  • Losing Brain? 
  • Nice Brain?
  • Tribal Brain?
  • Happy Brain?

Get the FREE report now

About the Author: Dr. Thomas Trautmann

Former Neuromarketing Instructor by SalesBrain, more than 25 years of Marketing and Sales experience, founded 4 companies (and yes, didn't succeed each time), wrote my Ph.D thesis on the Artificial Neural Networks topic and just love people and their brains. This is why I created both the Neuro Couple and the Persuasion Strategies and Techniques concepts.

What drives me? Your smile! Because you learned something that made you grow, that helped you enjoy success, that supported your Professional Persuasion, your Personal Persuasion, your Perfect Persuasion.

©  Happy Brains - Dr. Thomas Trautmann. All rights Reserved

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