Blog – Page 23 – Happy Brains

Maximising Your Financial Potential: Harnessing the Power of Both the Primal and Rational Brain

When it comes to making decisions that lead to financial success, it’s important to understand the role of both the primal and rational brains. But before we delve into the strategies, let’s take a moment to define what “more money” means to you personally. Is it about increasing your income, building wealth, or achieving financial freedom? Defining your financial goals will provide clarity and motivation throughout the decision-making process.

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Lessons from History: Two Fundamental Decision Mistakes Driven by the Primal Brain

Human history is filled with examples of decisions that have shaped the course of societies and civilisations. However, not all decisions have been driven by rational thinking and logical analysis. In this blog article, we will explore two historical instances where fundamental decision mistakes were made due to the dominance of the primal brain over the rational brain. By understanding these mistakes, we can learn valuable lessons about the importance of critical thinking and the […]

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The Primal Brain vs. the Neocortex: A Comparative Analysis

Understanding the distinct characteristics and functions of the primal brain and the neocortex is crucial for comprehending human behaviour and decision-making processes. In this blog post, we will compare these two vital components of the brain, exploring their pros and cons and shedding light on their respective roles in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

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Unlocking Success: The Power of Ethical Persuasion in Decision-Making

photo of golden cogwheel on black background

In our pursuit of success, the ability to influence and persuade others plays a crucial role. It is essential to harness this power ethically, with integrity and respect for others. Ethical persuasion is not only a moral imperative, but it also yields long-term benefits by fostering trust, collaboration, and positive relationships. Let’s explore the power of ethical persuasion in decision-making, diving into the brain processes involved and highlighting why helping others make decisions ethically is not only the right thing to do but also an efficient approach.

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